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Active Parenting

Get into the flow of Active Parenting with RamG.

About Active Parenting

“You won’t understand until you become a parent.” You must have heard this countless times yourself as a kid and now use it on your children endlessly! But, understand what? You probably are still looking for an answer.

The journey called parenting can be mind-boggling as much as it is fulfilling and thrilling. Because becoming a parent is a natural phenomenon but effective parenting is a learned skill. There is no better time than now to learn more about good parenting,

and no better person than RamG to guide you on it. His latest book — Active Parenting — offers some valuable insights on how to raise happy and successful children with boundless potential.

RamG also offers an online course on Active Parenting in collaboration with other parenting experts that will complement the book and help you raise amazing children. You can also enrol your children for some engaging and life-changing courses that RamG has to offer.

Active Parenting

Be Boundless for

Active Parenting

Be Boundless for


The short-term fix might be to use parental authority to tell her to stop using the phone, demand this from a position of authority and punish her if she doesn't. But short-term fixes never work in the long term. They lead to stress, breakdown of communication, lying and other unwanted behaviour.

An active parent would approach this in a more sustainable way. Tell your daughter how much you love her and how important her happiness and success is to you. Tell her that you believe in her and that you know well that she is mature enough to take care of her own affairs, but as a parent, it is your duty to point out that excess screen time will affect her health and take away from other quality time. Role model by reducing your own screen time and try to spend that time with her doing some constructive and engaging activity. For more on long-term parenting interventions, sign up into the Active Parenting community. Also, read Active Parenting.

A short-term fix would be to deliver some strong consequences. But the Active Parenting way would be to do everything to befriend your son. Immerse in his world — his shows, his books, his friends, his movies, etc. That way, you will be able to be his friend. Friends find it easier to take suggestions from each other. Ensure there are broad boundaries for conduct. Within that, do not micromanage. Try to avoid saying 'no'. Instead, give options so that your son feels in control. Try not to instruct. Instead suggest. For more on long-term parenting interventions, sign up into the Active Parenting community. Also, read Active Parenting.

Tell her stories! Stories of people who have overcome difficulties in life and created success for themselves. Tell her your own and your spouse's story of achieving success in life. Make her appreciate how privileged she is to have been born in a house with so much, and how important studies at this stage are for her to reach similar levels as an adult. Active parents don't push children to study. They build the desire in children to own their lives and excel. For more on long-term parenting interventions, sign up into the Active Parenting community. Also, read Active Parenting.

To start with, try and understand why he argues. You can only control yourself and your actions. So ask yourself what it is that you are doing that makes him argue. Try building a relationship with him that is one of equals. By immersing in his world, by being supportive, by trusting him with increasingly bigger responsibilities. Create experiences that are wonderful which both of you share — a trip, playing some games together, cooking a special meal together, doing some voluntary service, etc. Once you have earned his trust, he will start communicating with you. For more on long-term parenting interventions, sign up into the Active Parenting community. Also, read Active Parenting.


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